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The Physically Active You


Image Courtesy: Pinterest

human body is made to move around, testament to it is the fact that it would take you quite some time to be able to count all the joints in the human body and the types of rotations allowed by it. And while a little bit of rest helps the muscles to recover from the wear and tear, continuous lack of physical activity makes us dull. Having been through a pandemic, we are well aware of how good the rush of blood and the pumped up energy post a little run to catch the bus or train is for our emotional health.

The human body is made to move around, testament to it is the fact that it would take you quite some time to be able to count all the joints in the human body and the types of rotations allowed by it.

It is also a part of the conventional stereotype that people living a sedentary life are perceived to be unenthusiastic and tired all the time while there is the gym guy who always appears energetic and swift. The sedentary worker is somebody who is frustrated from his job and also isn’t happy from his family while the gym guy is great at work and keeps family happy too.

And I am just adding a little bit of a personal opinion here, there was a video I was watching the other day in which the host mentioned that in Netherlands, biking is hugely encouraged. So being in Netherlands, even if you’re not working out, you are actually getting at least 40 minutes of intense work out and so you won’t be a person with no physical activity even if you’re not the gym guy. So while I agree that the complete absence physical activity does deteriorate our mental health and hence our efficiency at work but I would also want to point out that being the gym guy is not the only way.

The idea here is to include some form of physical activity in your daily lives. While taking out some time in the morning or the evening just for some physical activity out in the open is the best that someone can do, we also acknowledge the fact that it is just not possible for some people. Some people also might start good but find it difficult to continue with the practice.

The less physically active you are now, the more difficult it becomes to include some sort of physical activity in your day. So keeping up a moderate but regular level of physical activity in your daily routine is the key.

One of the things that I started doing to just stay more active physically without making a deliberate attempt is while I brush my teeth in the morning, instead of going through the mails, I just head upstairs. I pace around the terrace taking a good look at the sky, getting a good feel at how the weather might turn out for the day. I also make a point to get some water or tea every hour or so while at work. So instead of getting the tea or water at my table, I walk through the aisle and get myself the drink. This helps me to avoid long stretches of sitting and also try out new herbal teas from the cafeteria. I also have a bike that I use on weekends. It not just makes me feel a little more child-like but also so much happier. The key here is to associate the physical activity with something that you already do on a regular basis. This way, the existing habit will act for your mind as a cue to act.

I always keep a pair of washed jogging clothes ready the night before and place it somewhere it would be visible to me come morning. If there is an article that you need to complete the next day, consider keeping all the related resources handy so you’d trick the mind into actually doing the work. The key here is to remove the initial barrier and help you get started.

Growing up, one of things that I thoroughly enjoyed are the badminton sessions with my brother. And even though it is no less than a very good work out, I never thought of it as something that I ‘had’ to do because the playing itself was intrinsically rewarding. The key here would be to make the act rewarding. Something like doing it with a friend or a chocolate milk post will do the job.

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